India's Growing Role In World Peace: Opportunities And Challenges
Since its independence, India has played a significant role in providing crucial aid and assistance to recently independent and developing countries all over the world. India is the largest democracy to have broken free from colonialism. India has contributed to the development of strong and peaceful nations and regions around the world by sharing the advantages of its own experience and global best practises with them as well as by offering them valuable aid and assistance. This has been done in order to fulfil India’s international obligation to help countries make the challenging transition to self-reliance and development.
While independence freed the country from British colonisation, it also divided it and caused the largest population shift the world had ever seen. It sparked rioting and intergroup violence that claimed thousands of lives. India brought the matter to the UN in hopes of receiving justice because it was a founding member of the organisation and adheres to its principles, but what transpired gave India a sobering lesson about what to expect from superpowers and international organisations.
India’s Contribution to UN Peacekeeping
Since it began participating in UN peacekeeping operations, India has sent more personnel than any other nation.
Over 2,53,000 Indians have currently participated in 49 out of the 71 UN peacekeeping missions that have been deployed globally since 1948.
India currently ranks fifth among nations that send troops to UN peacekeeping missions with a deployment of roughly 5,500 soldiers and police.
India’s involvement in the UN mission in Korea in the 1950s marked the beginning of its contribution to UN peacekeeping, and it was India’s mediating role in resolving the impasse over prisoners of war in Korea that resulted in the signing of the armistice that ended the Korean War. The three international commissions for supervision and control for Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos were founded by the 1954 Geneva Accords on Indochina, and India served as its chair.
Peace and Economic Growth in Developing Countries
Economic growth is influenced by peace both directly and indirectly. Conflicts, violence, and conflict destroy the available human and physical resources and obliterate the socio-political institutions that favourably influence economic progress. Investors both domestically and outside lose faith in an economy that experiences greater violence and conflict. Due to the unstable environment, skilled professionals that make up human resources have migrated to other countries. Due to the war, both physical and human capital are impacted, which lowers output and slows economic growth. Due to the war, the annual pace of capital accumulation is impacted.According to the new classical economic growth theory, the accumulation of physical and human capital drives economic expansion. Physical and human capital accumulation are negatively impacted in the following ways by socio-political instability brought on by conflict or war in developing countries.
Fundamental factors that determine economic growth, such as conflicts over self-determination, different forms of discrimination, regime types, regime durability, social capacity for fostering peace, and conflicts with one’s neighbours, play a more significant role in determining economic growth in developing nations than more immediate factors like capital, labour, technology, and policies favouring a free market economy Peace lowers risk and uncertainty, which helps the economy flourish in the modern globalised economy. Both the growth of physical and human capital is influenced favourably by peace. The build-up of physical and human capital is more significantly influenced by this effect than by other economic factors. Economic growth is accelerated in countries with peaceful environments because more physical and human capital is amassed there. Economic growth is facilitated by peace through increased capital and worker productivity, strong governance, tourist arrivals, and efficient of institutions also. However, conflict and war in past period have positive effect on present economic growth since destruction of economy due to the conflict and war is rehabilitated in following period.
Challenges in Peacebuilding in Post-Conflict Countries
Bringing people on board with new ways of resolving conflicts, building peace, advancing development, enhancing capacities, and strengthening livelihoods presents a number of challenges for organisations and community-based groups that implement activities/projects/initiatives aimed at achieving peace and development, particularly among rural communities. I’ll list a few of these difficulties below:
Community readiness to new approaches. One of the major challenges in peacebuilding is the resistance of local communities to new approaches to peacebuilding, especially those that question traditional methods and demonstrate success through new perspect.
Gender. There are considerable challenges in incorporating women into peacebuilding programmes and ensuring that peacebuilding includes prevention of domestic violence. This is not only due to male dominance in Afghan community institutions but also the fact that often programmes envisage building the capacities of existing community institutions, rather than attempting to establish another layer of institutions. However, many NGO programmes manage successfully to promote the involvement of women in peacebuilding and their best practices could be replicated. Who experience reveals that peacebuilding programmes result in improved attitudes towards women, fewer abuses against women, and reduced domestic violence. When such programmes are combined with capacity building in gender sensitivity for existing shuras and in alternative approaches, opportunities for women’s involvement in peacebuilding could expand.
Government involvement-In order to ensure the participation of the broadest possible spectrum of individuals in peacebuilding, it is important for a peacebuilding programme to have wide ownership, rather than being simply considered a government programme. A number ofexisting community peacebuilding in Afghanistan is undertaken by a range of actors in conjunction with civil society, community-based groups and local authorities.
Spoilers. It is possible that influential individuals, such as warlords, commanders, or politicians perceive peacebuilding as a threat to their positions, and try to impede or influence work in this sector.
Diversity. Afghanistan’s geographical diversity, and the wide range of conflict types, implies that the most effective type of peacebuilding will vary according to local circumstances and dynamics amongst ethnic communities.
Lack of capable human resources. There is a lack of competent individuals/implementing partners with experience of peacebuilding and a general lack of qualified and reliable human resources. Further, there is a lack of trained human resources in peacebuilding and conflict resolution, especially for conducting the training in rural communities. tives and methodologies.
How To Achieve World Peace
Having international organisations that will make sure every country respects world peace would help us achieve it. The United Nations and other international bodies ensure that each nation is accountable for fostering peace.
Maintaining democracy is another way that we may bring about world peace. Dictatorship is the primary contributor to violence in the world. Countries are better able to elect leaders who support peace when they have the freedom to vote. Globalization also contributes to world peace. When globalisation is promoted, nations will keep peace since they won’t start wars with those that have economic links to them. When all nations are fairly represented in international organisations, we can attain world peace. oppressed and no nation is left behind. When some nations are not represented, it creates inequality which may stir violence. By educating their inhabitants on the advantages of living in peace with other countries, nations can raise awareness among their populace. Sharing the nation’s riches evenly is another way to contribute to world peace. To achieve this, all people should have equal possibilities, and the poor should not be overtaxed. As a result, fewer incidents of rebel movements will occur.
India’s Contribution To UN Peacekeeping
India’s contribution to UN Peacekeeping began with its participation in the UN operation in Korea in the 1950s, where India’s mediatory role in resolving the stalemate over prisoners of war in Korea led to the signing of the armistice that ended the Korean War.
India chaired the five-member Neutral Nations Repatriation Commission, while the Indian Custodian Force supervised the process of interviews and repatriation that followed.
India also served as Chair of the three international commissions for supervision and control for Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos established by the 1954 Geneva Accords on Indochina. A total 175 Indian peacekeepers have so far died while serving with the United Nations. India has lost more peacekeepers than any other UN Member State.
India’s contributions to UN peacekeeping operations (UNPKOs)have been underscored by the experience and professionalism of India’s armed forces. Speaking at the September 2015 Leaders’ Summit in New York on UN Peacekeeping, Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi had said:”The foundations of the United Nations were laid by the brave soldiers on the battlefields of the Second World War. By 1945, they included 2.5 million men of the Indian Army, the largest volunteer force in history.” India today is the largest contributor of troops to UNPKOs. More than 200,000 Indian troops have served in 49 of the 71 UNPKOs deployed so far.
By examining social concerns, #SRRO is making a beneficial contribution to the creation of a thriving society. The extremely extensive and useful social traditions of India contribute to our nation’s unique identity across the world. Therefore, team SRRO is working hard to make society aware of social values and obligations as well as to continue doing the sacred task of raising public awareness in order to eradicate the evils that are pervasive in society.Friends, as we are all aware, religion plays a significant role in all societal structures across the world. Our religious convictions are crucial in tying us to our culture and to the rest of the world. There are advantages to every faith.Our religions also instil in us a love of environment and others. In order to maintain the continuity of human ideals and traditions, religion is crucial. For this reason, it is equally essential that a progressive society’s distinctive character be one of constant mutual initiative of conversation, cooperation, and brotherhood in all of the world’s faiths.The protection and advancement of the planet, as well as inspiring humanity to follow the path of peace, have been spoken about throughout all of the world’s faiths. India has served as a peace signifier. We can all take tremendous satisfaction in the fact that, despite numerous differences, India is once again raising a powerful voice for peace. Let’s join forces in perfect unison, with a sense of brotherhood and kinship. You are all cordially invited to participate in the historic effort of peace discourse on the next World Peace Day by working together to preserve all of mankind while upholding Indian values.